“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Rabindranath Tagore
BEFORE: Car parts, broken bottles, rusted nails (thousands of rusted nails!), wire fencing, miscellaneous trash…numerous bags of trash. Rats - several of the deceased and the scurrying kind observed. Invasive
Himalayan Blackberryand
Reed Canarygrass that had largely overtaken the restoration site along
Connelly Creek. Humans and plants had invaded and degraded several acres along the creek, which feeds
Padden Creek.
WHY BOTHER? Ecological biodiversity is the mix of ecosystems, natural communities and habitats. It’s the variety of ways that species interact with each other and their environment. Change one factor (e.g., plant diversity), and everything else is affected. Biodiversity is an important part of ecological services that make life livable on Earth. They include everything from cleaning water and absorbing
chemicals, which wetlands do, to providing oxygen for us to breathe - one of the many things that plants do for people. Biodiversity also allows for ecosystems to adjust to disturbances such as fires or floods. If a reptile goes extinct, a forest with 20 other reptiles is likely to adapt better than another forest with only one reptile.
So, our humble restoration site at Connelly Creek offers an excellent opportunity for our explorers to learn first hand how ecosystems work while causing a real and observable positive impact on something that really matters.
THE WORK: For several years now, the Boys Explorers Club (BEC) has worked under the guidance of Bellingham Parks and Recreation to restore the site to greater health. Using tools provided by the
Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, your boys have cleaned out the garbage, cut back and uprooted blackberry vines, stamped down the Reed Canarygrass, planted native trees and shrubs, and spread bark mulch…..yard after yard of bark mulch!
This is a long-term project. We’ve made mistakes, such as when we cut down the Canarygrass, which it
turns out encourages future growth! So, we stomped it down, a la Godzilla, and covered the site with several inches of bark mulch, only to return to the site after a few month’s absence to find the Canarygrass having returned to its former “glory”. It’ll take years for the alders, ninebark and other species we planted to shade out the grasses and reclaim the land, the best long term solution. In fact, the project just might outlast the Grey Fox Kits and Barred Owlets time in Explorers Club! Of course, it’s a shame we have to do this work. But the lesson for the boys is clear: there will always be work that needs to be done for the good of the larger society and each of them can have a positive impact. In fact, there is joy is service to others and to the land.
This weekend, we worked to clear blackberries from an area roughly 20 by 50 feet along the creek. While that might not seem like a big area, consider the number of blackberry root balls that needed to be extricated, or the fence that saw the light of day for the first time in years, or the tree that was liberate from the strangle hold of the prickly vines. The scratches they proudly display came from the 10-15 foot long vines they cut down to a size that could be bagged and carted off. The tired, sore muscles are the result of wrestling (2 or 3 working in tandem, at times) with stubborn roots or digging holes to plant more trees and shrubs. The goofy smiles on their faces can be traced back to the hard-earned satisfaction of having done meaningful work, and done it well, as the photos will attest.
While the boys worked hard and accomplished much on this day, we cannot claim unblemished pride in our actions. Some boys could be seen climbing trees or exploring the creek when work waited; we get it, they’re boys. Not a problem. With a little prodding, they usually return to the work. However, when the mentors learned that someone had apparently cut down a spruce sapling that had been planted as part of the project, we decided to call all the explorers together to re-emphasize the serious, important nature of the work and of the responsibility each of us has to behave with honor and respect for each other and the land. Message delivered, we returned to the work and mustered a strong finish for the day and for our service work this season.
AFTER: While there is still work to be done, check out the photos here and in the gallery. The results speak for themselves…your explorers are officially part of the solution!
They have earned the right to stand tall because they have performed with honor and to great effect. They each can rightfully echo the words of one of their colleagues as he walked away from the site after completely his work: “I feel proud.”
Check out the rest of the photos from our service outing
here (Grey Fox Kits) and
here (Barred Owlets), and check the web site for the details on your explorer’s next outing - Grey Fox Kits, click
here. Barred Owlets, click